A Hunk a Chunk of Hooking Love
Posted by Laura Kenyon on
I got a lot of hooking done this weekend. I love to have a big chunk of time to really get into hooking. Holidays like Memorial Day are the best when there is no big meal to prepare, no big parties, no gifts, no expectations.
I think I mentioned that I am doing a table runner 128 inches (!) long as a gift - for Christmas the way it is going. (Sorry can't show it, the giftee will see it)
I found it interesting that all three mornings, when I looked at the piece with fresh eyes, I saw something I didn't like. It just reminds me of one of the first lessons I learned--to step back from the rug to really see it.
Because the rug is so long, taking it off the frame and looking at it is a real drag, so I only looked at the whole thing in the mornings to see where I wanted to start. Funny how I could tell where was getting tired- the hooking showed it. And I could see where some of the colors weren't quite where they belonged. I was obviously grabbing a color because it was nearby rather than rummage to find the "right" one.
Well, back to work. The floor frame is put away until next weekend. Small catch up projects and still more whipping these next few evenings. Best news is that Friday will come early this week.